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New on Postcard: Edit + archive posts, Google sign-in, and more!

Postcard Updates
Last week Postcard launched on Product Hunt and Hacker News. Hello to the hundreds of new Postcard users who signed up!

🚀 New Features:
  • ✍️ Edit and archive past posts: The #1 most-requested feature during launch was the ability to edit or archive past posts. Editing posts will update what's displayed on your website, and archiving the post will hide it from the website.
  • 🔑 Google sign-in: To make logging in and signing up easier, you can now sign into Postcard with Google. This works for existing accounts, too!
  • 🙋 Feedback form: While logged into Postcard on a desktop, there's now a little "Feedback?" button in the bottom-right. Use it to submit any ideas or issues while using Postcard!
  • The "Gallery" page in the app now shuffles the order of sites every hour.  
  • Fixed: Sometimes "new subscriber" emails would send multiple times
➡️ Next: 
  • Edit the "Published at" time on posts
  • Making it easier to change the brand color and cover photo on a site
  • Some experiments 🔬
👉🏻 One more thing: Want to import your mailing list or posts from another site (like Substack or Mailchimp)? Just export and email it to and we'll import it to your Postcard!

What would you like to see next? Respond to this email to let me know!