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New on Postcard: MUCH faster sites 🏎, better email branding 📸, and more

Postcard Updates
Thanks for using Postcard! And, hello to the folks who discovered it through Hacker News last month 👋

I've been busy making Postcard better based on your feedback. So, I'm starting this periodic update about what's new and improved.

Google's pagespeed score for a Postcard site on Desktop!
  • 🏎 Speed improvements: Postcard sites are now a lot faster! I did this by improving how caching, content delivery, code splitting, image compression, and more work. This creates a better experience for people looking at your website!
  • 📸 "Confirm your subscription" emails now use account branding: Before, when somebody joined your mailing list - the email template showed the Postcard branding. Now, it shows your account branding instead 👍
  • 🖌 Styling enhancements: The background of Postcard pages is now pure white instead of a light gray, to make it less opinionated. Bullet points have a darker gray now. Made cover photos bigger on desktop. Tweaked some text spacing. 

🐛 Bug fixes:
  • Fixed spacing on some email templates where there wasn't enough padding between the Postcard logo and text

📬 Highlighting some new Postcards:

➡️ Next: I'm adding more ways to view past posts. 

Thanks for all of the feedback 🙏 
What would you like to see next? Respond here or email to let me know 🙌