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New on Postcard: Post visibility controls

Postcard Updates
Here's the latest updates about Postcard.

🚀 New Feature: Post visibility controls

Some posts are evergreen - like an essay. But, others may be more timely - such a monthly update. You can now control the visibility and privacy of each post on the "Posts" tab in your dashboard. 

Here's how it works:
  • Public posts are listed on your website, and show up in search engines (great for evergreen content)
  • Unlisted posts are not listed on your website, but still show up in search engines (great for timely posts like a monthly update)
  • Hidden posts are not listed on your website, and disallow search engine indexing with a noindex tag (great for old posts where you want the link to still work, but don't want to promote)

✨ Improvements

  • Postcard's homepage is undergoing some major updates - check it out!  
More updates coming soon! Thanks for using Postcard.