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New on Postcard: "Recent posts" page, dynamic social images, faster page publishing, and more!

Postcard Updates
🚀 New Features:
  • Dynamic social images: Postcards now have full meta tag support for Twitter and Facebook (OpenGraph). Sharing a link on social media now renders a card with a customized image about your site or post. Check out a demo on this Twitter thread →
  • Page publishing is much faster. I speed up publishing by lazy-loading image resizing and switching to a faster image resizing library.
  • Icons are now circular on the browser favicon to match your profile photo on the page.

🐛 Bug fixes
  • Images in posts had weird spacing. I fixed this!

➡️ Next: RSS, post-post post editing, and more!

What would you like to see next? Respond here or email to let me know 🙌